Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions Quickstart - Realtime Database

This quickstart demonstrates using Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions setup with a Firebase database.


This sample app does two things:

  • Create messages in the Firebase Realtime Database using a simple HTTPS request which is handled by an HTTPS Firebase Function. Writing to the Realtime Database is done using the Firebase Admin SDK.
  • When a message gets added in the Realtime Database, a Firebase Function triggers and automatically makes these messages all uppercase.

Deploy and try out

To deploy and try out the sample:

  • Create a Firebase project on the Firebase Console
  • Install the required dependencies by running npm install in the functions directory
  • Deploy your project's code using firebase deploy
  • Create a message by opening the following URL in your browser: https://us-central1-[MY_PROJECT] (Replace [MY_PROJECT] by your project ID and you can change the message "uppercaseme").

    The function executes and redirects the browser to the Firebase console at the database location where the text string was stored. You should see your text value displayed in the console and uppercase.

Run unit tests

The test folder has unit tests written with firebase-functions-test. There are 2 sets of tests: online and offline.

To run the offline tests: run npm test inside the functions folder.

To run the online tests:

  • Replace the projectConfig variable in test/ with configuration values from your project.
  • Download a service account key by opening the Service Accounts pane of the Google Cloud Console.
  • Select the App Engine default service account, and use the options menu at right to select Create key.
  • When prompted, select JSON for the key type, and click Create.
  • Save the file in the test folder, and name it service-account-key.json
  • Run npm run test-online inside the functions folder.


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