This repository is maintained by Googlers but is not a supported Firebase product. Issues here are answered by maintainers and other community members on GitHub on a best-effort basis.
This repository is maintained by Googlers but is not a supported Firebase product. Issues here are answered by maintainers and other community members on GitHub on a best-effort basis.
This is an experimental protoc
that generates Firebase Rules for Cloud
Firestore based
on Google's Protocol Buffer
This allows you to easily validate your data in a platform independent manner.
Here is a quick example:
syntax = "proto2";
package tutorial;
message Person {
required string name = 1;
optional string email = 2;
enum PhoneType {
HOME = 1;
WORK = 2;
message PhoneNumber {
optional string number = 1;
optional PhoneType type = 2;
optional PhoneNumber phone = 3;
This plugin generates the following Firebase Rules function that can be used to validate your incoming data.
function isPersonMessage(resource) {
return resource.keys().hasAll(['name']) &&
(resource.keys().hasOnly(['name','phone','email'])) &&
(( is string)) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['email'])) || ( is string)) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['phone'])) || (isPerson_PhoneNumberMessage(;
function isPerson_PhoneNumberMessage(resource) {
return resource.keys().hasAll([]) &&
(resource.keys().hasOnly(['type','number'])) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['number'])) || (resource.number is string)) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['type'])) || (isPerson_PhoneTypeEnum(resource.type)));
function isPerson_PhoneTypeEnum(resource) {
return resource == 0 ||
resource == 1 ||
resource == 2;
// Start your rules (these don't get generated!)
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /users/{userId} {
allow read: if request.auth.uid == userId;
allow write: if isPersonMessage( &&
request.auth.uid == userId;
To use this protoc
plugin once you have your protocol buffers defined, follow
these steps:
or use the
tool using the --firebase_rules_out=./directory
to output your firestore.rules
file with generated functions"firebase_rules_options.proto"
like the below example
the --proto_path=./directory
flag will need to be added to include the
directory of the firebase_rules_options.proto
file along with the protobuf
files from the src
directory of the Google Protobuf
repo. An more indepth
discussion of this can be found in this
issue.If you run into trouble feel free to check out our
script or file an issue
syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial;
import "firebase_rules_options.proto";
option (google.firebase.rules.firebase_rules).full_package_names = true;
message Person {
string name = 1;
string email = 2 [(google.firebase.rules.firebase_rules_field).validate =
enum PhoneType {
option (google.firebase.rules.firebase_rules_enum).string_values = true;
HOME = 1;
WORK = 2;
message PhoneNumber {
string number = 1;
PhoneType type = 2;
option (google.firebase.rules.firebase_rules_message).extra_properties =
PhoneNumber phone = 3;
// Currently, we can only check this is a list :(
repeated string starred_websites = 4;
// This message must have either a phone or an email.
option (google.firebase.rules.firebase_rules_message).validate =
"resource.keys().hasAny(['email', 'phone'])";
This would generate the following functions.
function istutorial_PersonMessage(resource) {
return resource.keys().hasAll([]) &&
(resource.keys().hasOnly(['starredWebsites','phone','email','name'])) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['name'])) || ( is string)) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['email'])) || ( is string && ('.*@domain\.com')))) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['phone'])) || (istutorial_Person_PhoneNumberMessage( &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['starredWebsites'])) || (resource.starredWebsites is list)) &&
(resource.keys().hasAny(['email', 'phone']));
function istutorial_Person_PhoneNumberMessage(resource) {
return resource.keys().hasAll([]) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['number'])) || (resource.number is string)) &&
((!resource.keys().hasAny(['type'])) || (istutorial_Person_PhoneTypeEnum(resource.type)));
function istutorial_Person_PhoneTypeEnum(resource) {
return resource == 'MOBILE' ||
resource == 'HOME' ||
resource == 'WORK';
// Start your rules...
1) Install Bazel.
2) Build with bazel build //...
3) A sample invocation of the plugin, protoc-gen-firebase_rules
, is available
. This script can be run from the command line.
It's easy to use protobuf_rules_gen if your project already uses Bazel.
1) Add protobuf_rules_gen to your WORKSPACE:
proto_gen_firebase_rules_commit = "TODO"
name = "proto_gen_firebase_rules",
sha256 = "TODO",
strip_prefix = "protobuf-rules-gen-" + proto_gen_firebase_rules_commit,
url = "" + proto_gen_firebase_rules_commit + ".tar.gz",
load("@proto_gen_firebase_rules//bazel:repositories.bzl", "protobuf_rules_gen_repositories")
2) Update your BUILD file:
load("@proto_gen_firebase_rules//bazel:defs.bzl", "firestore_rules_proto_library", "firestore_rules_binary")
There are three rules available:
generated rules with your ACLs that use them)
firestore_rules_binary can depend on it.
See example/BUILD for an example of how to use these rules.
1) Build the proto-gen-firebase_rules
binary via bazel build //...
2) Ensure all the tests pass via bazel test //...
3) Build a binary for each platform (windows, linux, and darwin).
4) Tag a GitHub release and attach each prebuilt binary to the release.
was initiated with ❤️️ by Tyler
This is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just code that happens to be owned by Google.