Usage examples
Measuring the size of the CocoaPod named AFNetworking using the latest released version:
./ --cocoapods AFNetworking
// Output:
Size comes out to be 231568 bytes (measured at version 3.2.1)
Measuring the size of the AFNetworking CocoaPod at version 3.2.0:
./ --cocoapods AFNetworking:3.2.0
// Output:
Size comes out to be 231544 bytes
Measuring the size of the FirebaseMessaging CocoaPod at version 3.0.2 with FirebaseAnalytics at version 5.0.0:
./ --cocoapods FirebaseMessaging:3.0.2 FirebaseAnalytics:5.0.0
// Output:
Size comes to be 1800752 bytes. This is 298212 bytes less when measured together vs each measured individually due to shared dependencies.
Measuring the size of AFNetworking CocoaPod at version 3.2.0 present in your SPEC_REPO:
./ --cocoapods AFNetworking:3.2.0 --spec_repos SPEC_REPO
Measuring the size of RxSwift CocoaPod which is a swift pod:
./ --cocoapods RxSwift --mode swift
Finding the size between two Xcode projects:
./ --source_project=PROJECT1 --source_scheme=PROJECT1_SCHEME --target_project=PROJECT2 --target_scheme=PROJECT2_SCHEME
Measure pod size from local or bleeding edge version
Measuring the size of FirebaseDatabase CocoaPod from local:
./ --cocoapods FirebaseDatabase --cocoapods_source_config "./source_config.json"
where the source_config.json
Measuring the size of FirebaseDatabase CocoaPod from a branch of a remote repo:
./ --cocoapods FirebaseDatabase --cocoapods_source_config "./source_config.json"
where the source_config.json