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FireCMS is an open source headless CMS and admin panel built by developers for developers.

FireCMS is a content management system (CMS) that is built on top of the Firebase platform. It is a cloud-based system that allows users to manage and publish content to their websites or applications. With FireCMS, users can create and edit pages, upload and manage media files, and manage users and permissions. FireCMS is designed to be easy to use and can be integrated with other Firebase services, such as Firebase Authentication and Firebase Cloud Functions, to provide additional features and functionality.

It generates CRUD views based on your configuration. It is easy to set up for the straight forward cases and easy to extend and customise.

FireCMS does not enforce any data structure on your side, and works out of the box with any project.

The goal of this CMS is to generate collection and form views that bind nicely to the collection/document model. We have built in many basic (and not so basic) use cases; but FireCMS is built with extensibility in mind, so it is easy to create your custom form fields, or your complete views.

There are two ways to build top level views in FireCMS:

  • By creating mapping configurations for collections (to datasource collections, such as Firestore collections, with your schema). The best way to get a grasp of how this works is checking the Quickstart and Collections documentation.
  • Create custom views that sit in the main level of your navigation tree. In this case you can build your custom React component and make use of the internal components of the CMS as well as the provided hooks. Check Custom top level views for more details

:::note Custom backend FireCMS was built with Firebase/Firestore as the default backend, but nothing stops you from implementing your own DataSource, AuthController and StorageSource and override the default implementations. :::

FireCMS works as a complete app that is in charge of creating the views that you define based on your collections and entity schemas. It handles navigation for you as well as authentication and login.

However, there is a lot of room to customization, including custom top level views, custom schema views, and custom fields for your entity properties, in case the basic use cases we include don't suit your needs.

In the simplest case, you will want to create some properties, include them in an entity collection, include it in a collection and include that in a CMS instance.


The entry point for setting up a FireCMS app based on Firebase is the FirebaseCMSApp. This component is in charge of building a full FireCMS instance, using Firebase Auth, Firestore, and Firebase Storage as backend services.

Internally it will create a FireCMS which holds the main state and logic of the app, and create the app scaffold and routes.

:::note It is also possible to use FireCMS by using lower level components and including FireCMS in your code, even without using Firebase. More details in the Custom CMSApp section :::

You can find an example of a basic FirebaseCMSApp implementation in the quickstart section

Core technologies

FireCMS is based on these great technologies:

  • Typescript
  • Firebase
  • React
  • React Router
  • Material UI
  • Formik + Yup

:::important You can use this library as a full application, with routing enabled. But if you need better customisation and to use the internal components, tweak the MUI theme, control the routes or replace the backend altogether (including auth, storage and data), you can do it starting from version 1.0.0. Check the details in the Custom CMSApp section :::


If Firebase is your chosen backend:

  • You need to enable the Firestore database in your Firebase project.
  • If you want to have authentication enabled in your CMS config, you need to enable the corresponding auth method in your project.
  • Also, if you are using storage fields in your string properties, you need to enable Firebase Storage.

More details in Firebase setup section.

Deployment to Firebase hosting

If you are deploying this project to firebase hosting, and the app is properly linked to it, you can omit the firebaseConfig specification, since it gets picked up automatically.

More details in the deployment section


FireCMS has been meticulously built to make it extremely easy for developers to build a CMS/admin tool. At the same time it offers the best data editing experience and has an extremely thoughtful UX designed to make it super easy to use, for marketers and content managers.

๐Ÿ“ Awesome spreadsheet view

We have developed a super performant windowed spreadsheet view for collections, where you can do inline editing on most of the common fields, and have a popup view in the rest of the cases and your custom field implementations.

It has real-time support, making it suitable for apps that need to be always updated.

It also supports text search (through an external provider such as Algolia, if you are using Firestore), as well as filtering and sorting and exporting data

โœจ Powerful forms


When editing an entity, FireCMS offers a nested system of side dialogs that allow to navigate through subcollections and access custom views (such as a custom form, or a blog preview). This functionality can be also accessed programmatically though the hook useSideEntityController.

FireCMS includes more than 15 built-in fields with hundreds of customization and validation options. The components have been meticulously crafted for a great user experience, and we include advanced features such as references to other collections, markdown or arrays reordering.

If your use case is not supported, you can build your own custom field, just as any other React component.

It also supports conditional fields in forms, allowing for declaring rules of what fields are active , based on your own logic.

๐Ÿ‘ฎ Authentication, permissions and role system

You will be able to define which navigation views can a user see, and the operations (create, edit, delete) that can be executed on them, based on your role system. You can even define this configuration on a per-entity or collection level.

By default, all the authorization mechanisms of Firebase are supported, but you are free to implement your own.

๐Ÿน Relational support

You can define references to entities in other collections, and benefit from the integrated reference fields and shortcuts included.

It is also possible to define subcollections at the entity level, so you can nest data in a collection/document/collection model

๐Ÿ†’ Real time data

Every view in the CMS has real time data support. This makes it suitable for displaying data that needs to be always updated.

Forms also support this feature, any modified value in the database will be updated in any currently open form view, as long as it has not been touched by the user. This allows for advanced cases where you trigger a Cloud Function after saving an entity that modifies some values, and you want to get real time updates.

You can add your custom logic or validation in multiple points of the user flow. There are built-in hooks onPreSave, onSaveSuccess, onSaveFailure, onPreDelete and onDelete.

๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ Files storage

FireCMS supports uploading files to Firebase Storage out of the box, and provides specific fields for handling single and multiple file uploads, also allowing for reordering.

You can change the Firebase Storage implementation with your own.

๐Ÿ™Œ Custom backend

FireCMS has a good separation of concerns. All the logic related to Firebase/Firestore is abstracted away behind 3 interfaces: DataSource, StorageSource and AuthController. This means you can extend or even completely replace those 3 implementations with your own.